Phone hygiene — what’s it all about?

Sam Haase
2 min readNov 2, 2020

When we first started Splash in 2014, most people laughed or shrugged their shoulders when we told them we were creating a screen cleaner; a very common reaction was being shown how they can clean their phone just as well by wiping it on their trousers or clothes. The facts we presented to them didn’t matter — 1 in 6 phones have poo on them, 25,000 germs per square inch on your phone, the germs on your phone are proven to lead to E.Coli, MRSA, Influenza — none of it made a difference, they just didn’t care. It was also pretty funny them not grasping the concept of actually adding more germs to their phone by wiping it on their clothes!

Then Covid-19 happened, and all of a sudden everyone cared. All of a sudden, the same people who laughed were getting in touch with us. In our eyes, tech hygiene and using a screen cleaner should always be important; you wash your hands right, so why weren’t people cleaning their phones?

Our phones are considered to be one of the dirtiest items in a household, which is no surprise really when the average person touches their phone over 2,500 times a day. Most of us keep our phones in our bags or pockets, where germs and bacteria absolutely love the warm conditions and thrive in — we’re not saying you shouldn’t do this, because using one of our screen cleaners will effectively remove 99.99% of the germs and bacteria on your phone. We could go into the science behind this and how it works, but we’ll save that for another post

We’re not saying any of this to scare you, but just present some facts and a simple solution that we’ve been championing for a number of years. Much like we all practice basic hygiene (well I hope you all do), the same applies to our mobile phones. They’ve become such an intrinsic part of our lives now, keeping them clean to prevent us getting ill or catching diseases is now more important than ever

You can visit our shop by clicking here and join us in keeping the world clean, one phone at a time. We’re donating 20% of web sale profits to a local food bank in response to the UK government retracting its support of free school meals



Sam Haase

Making the world a cleaner place with hygiene products for your tech & home —